Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Master Bath Surprise

My husband likes to joke that he is scared to leave me alone at the house because he never knows what to expect when he comes home.  Usually, I will have painted or refinished something.  What can I say?  I get bored easy.
With My Handsome Man

  A couple Saturdays ago, my husband was going to hang out with a buddy of his after a really long stressful week at work.  I went to call a friend to come hang out with me when I decided that it would be really nice to continue painting my ceilings white (finally, my ceilings were getting done!)  I texted my husband asking him to pick me up a couple cans of white paint.

When my husband came home, I realized that he picked up the name brand paint when I use the super cheap paint.  There was the chance that the whites would not match and this paint was twice as expensive as the kind that I had been using.  By the time I realized that I had the wrong paint it was already time for him to leave. 

“No!!  I only have a quarter of a can of paint left!  What am I going to do when you are gone!  The ceilings won’t get done and it will be another day staring at stupid beige ceilings!  What a waste of time!”  I am sure I said something like this and, no, I am not dramatic at all. ;)  I just really wanted to finish a large part of my ceilings!

Christian is a really hard working attorney and I had been complaining about having to paint the ceilings since we bought the house.  He had told me that he was going to paint them and not to worry about it.  When he works all day and finally gets to come home I want him to get some relax time!  I make sure to try to get as much work done as possible so he can come home to a stress free, works already done space…..This is the intention.  Not saying this happens often but I try!  I’ll take my, once in a while successes as being successful!

I used almost the rest of the white paint I had left to finish painting the master bedroom ceilings.  This took all of about 20 minutes. 

Ugh!  I needed something else to do! 

At this time, there was only one room had hardly been touched yet…the master bath.  

I thought, “If I hurry, I might be able to finish this before Christian returns!” 

I set off like a mad woman! 

After getting all the supplies that I needed and setting up my tablet so that I could catch up on “Grey's Anatomy” as I worked, I removed the knobs from the vanity and used my little hand sander to sand it down.  
I then, wiped the whole thing off with a wet rag, taped the edges and spray painted it black.  To be completely honest, I wasn’t sure if I would like the black vanity, I just happened to pick up a can the last time that I was at the store.  It cost all of $2 and change.  Figured why not?  When you are addicted to updating things, bad choices really are not that scary.  I could always change it if I didn’t like it. 

I then painted the trim, door and the ceiling white.  

 Last, I painted the walls “Passive Gray” by Sherwin Williams. This is my all time favorite color.  At least for paint…and at least for right this moment I am almost certain that this will change.  Gray won’t be awesome forever you know. My daughter’s nursery is the same color and to me it is the perfect gray and I had just enough left over to paint the bathroom. Baby Girl's Room 

I seriously cut it close.  I had a paint brush in the can trying to get any last bit out to finish the last little part of the bathroom.
Right as I was finishing I heard Christian come home.

 “Uhh, Erica.  What are you doing?”  the sound of concern in his voice. Surprise! J 

He is learning to trust me on these things. 

A friend of mine recently asked if I discuss all my projects with my husband before I do them.  No way. If ever there was something that I knew that he didn’t want me to do then I would not do it or any significant purchase to make then that would be discussed. 

  It is much better for his stress level when he comes home to work done than if I discuss all the plans in my head.  There is a lot rushing around up there.  Also, if I tell him what I am going to do he would want to help.  I love his help, but once again this guy works hard for us and gets a whole lot less time with our kiddos than I do.  He has a really hard time not doing a bunch of stuff when he gets home from work.  He is always cleaning something or fixing something else.

So far he has been very happy with all my work and I sure love surprising him!!

I still would like to update the lighting, mirrors, bath and shower…and other things, but we will get there.  I didn’t spend a dime on this project.  I was able to use supplies that I already had!

Here is the bathroom now!

Love the black vanity!  I did our guest vanity the same way after how this turned out.

What I Would Do Different

-        -  The only thing that I would do different is that I would have a ventilator!  I still need to buy one of these.  The spray paint is so strong.  I will not use spray paint again without one.  I value my brain cells way too much and it is quite possible that I killed a few.  Please do not use spray paint in a room without protecting your lungs and brain!!!!

Thanks for reading!

-      Erica

1 comment:

  1. Erica, You did a great job. I have been wanting to repaint our bathroom and I have not done that yet. I am just afraid to do it with out Matt being there. I know I just need to just do it and surprise him. You go girl. Lisa Peak
