Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Free Ottoman! No Sew Reupholster Project

The church that we attend has decided to update some of their furniture.  As they were getting rid of an armchair and ottoman, I asked if I could take them.  This furniture has seen better days but has great bones.  I was very excited.  Sure, I can totally reupholster things.  J Well, worth a shot at least.  This was my first time reupholstering anything but I will definitely be reupholstering again....  soon.  Like as soon as I can get to a fabric store because I still have to do the armchair. 

I started by going to Walmart.  I will say, there are a TON of places that I would rather shop than Walmart but some of their prices can’t be beat.  I found the perfect fabric.  It was a thick light gray fabric with just a little shimmer in it.  There was only 2 and 1/2 yards remaining with a patch that was a little beat up.  The lady sold it to me for $4 total!   I prayed that it would be enough.  I also bought 3 packages of nail heads for doing a nail head trim. These were around $1 a box.

Once Christian (the husband) and I put the kids to bed, I started taking off the fabric.  I first cut off the buttons and then cut around the base of the ottoman.   The old fabric came right off. 

I then laid my new fabric over the top of the ottoman leaving a little slack so that I could fold the fabric to leave a nice clean line.  Next, I stapled the fabric all along the base.  The old fabric had fabric tubing along the bottom that I left on.  This made for a perfect ridge to staple underneath.  

 Look at that nice clean line I got! 

I did both the long sides first to make sure that everything was lined up.  I then folded the edges in (as you would a gift) and did the short sides.  As I was on the last side, I accidentally cut the extra fabric a little too fast and went a little short.  The very last spot I had to do was a bit of a stretch.  I seriously almost ruined this whole thing right as I was about to finish.

Once the fabric was on, I couldn't wait to pretty it up with a nail head trim!  I measured out all along the base where I wanted the trim to go making marks as I went.  How hard could it be to nail these in a straight line?........  Freaking hard!  Are you kidding me?!  Uhh.  As I would hammer them in they would bend every which way!  And then, when I tried to take them out to do them over the stupid heads would fall off!! This was a blast, can you tell? My husband gave it a go too with no more success. 

If ever any of you get into the predicament, forks work awesome to get the nail heads out.

Christian enjoyed getting this picture of me as I was about to lose my mind.
After way too long fighting these nail heads, I gave up and went on Amazon to buy this beautiful invention.  Nail Head Trim. With this trim, you just have to nail in every fifth spot. The others just look like nails! 

So much easier!  Ahhhh!   I kind of liked the look of the nail heads being more separated but we are not even going to go there because this was 1,000 times easier!

I did plan to wrap the buttons with the same fabric and reattach them to ottoman but my husband threw the rest of the fabric scraps out.  I cannot really complain about this because I love how he cleans up for me when I do stuff like this. 

I plan to put a shelf with hooks and a built in type thing behind this.  Another day J
Anyway, I love my new ottoman!  Yay!

I used about half the trim and I am not going to count the stupid nail heads because I am going to return them to Walmart since they were useless.  Total, this project cost $11! 

I am really looking forward to doing my armchair.  This ottoman was a great first project and once again crazy easy (minus the nail head issue).

What I Would Do Different

·         I wish that I did some research on nail heads before buying the first cheapo thing that I found.  I am assuming there are all different types of nail heads and some super awesome fancy ones, but here’s the thing, if I wanted to spend a bunch of money I would just go to Pier 1 or Homegoods and buy something that didn’t need a lot of love.  If anyone has nail heads that they love to use and are reasonable let me know!  I really like the ones that I got on Amazon but I am very open to different ones.  I love the look and kind of want to put nail heads on everything. J

·         I would have cut slower.  What can I say, it had been a long day and I went a little scissor crazy.  If it was any shorter at all I would have been out of luck.  I did great all the way around. It was just the very last bit that got me.  Uhhh!! So maybe I should say I wish I had drunk a cup of coffee because I should probably not cut fabric when I am so tired.   As I was going along I was shocked at how perfect it was coming out.  Perfect! Due to it being too tight in one spot it now does pull a little.  Not very noticeable if you are not looking for it.

·         I really wish I had the buttons to put on it!  They would have looked so great! 

This ottoman turned out pretty dang good.  Especially, with it being my first time.  I am looking forward to taking on the armchair.  More and more I am realizing that a lot of things are way more doable then they seem to be.  Don’t be scared to tackle new projects!

Thanks for reading!!!


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